817-319-1490 info@hope-4-kids.org

As  the author of many of the articles on this newsletter for Hope-4-Kids, I get a different perspective of the activities, people and inside operation of this organization. My most ambitious undertaking to date. In accepting the challenge of providing interesting and up to date information and content about the Hope-4-Kids Charity, I quickly realized it couldn’t be bland or basic. I knew it had to be a different framework. So in that spirit of trying to provide those who are not familar with Hope-4-Kids, an in depth peek at those who have built it from the ground up, we would like for you to get to know Ms Rose Braziel, the Founder of Hope-4-Kids.

Ms Rose Braziel would be the Matriarch that perceived the idea and made it into a reality. When you first meet Rose, you get the impression she is just this sweet little lady that has a heart as big as Texas. After a bit of time spent with her, you realize that this tiny lady is a powerhouse of God, Work, Firm moral standing, Fierce loyalty and a determination to help kids and families that is definitely as big as Texas.

Coming from a big family and going through life like we all do as we manuveur through problems and life issues, Rose had an attitude of striving for the best her whole life. Here is a quote that gives us that glimpse into the foundation that has created the extraordinary person she is today. Rose said: “Growing up we didn’t have much financially, but we were taught love, respect, and kindness and I can personally remember it having an effect on how much effort and influence my teachers would invest in encouraging me I had the capabilities of becoming or doing anything with my life.”

In 2007 Rose had a stroke and was told she may never walk again. After a short session of feeling like she may never be okay again, she pulled from the foundation she was raised in. She prayer and worked and with support from family, she overcame the biggest obstacle of her life to date. After realizing just how blessed she truly was and getting back to a sense of normal, she decided that she wanted to become a Child Advocate with CASA. Working with so many amazing people, Rose got to know local officials and people of influence and people who truly cared about kids as much as she did.

This was the beginning of Hope-4-Kids idea. Working as a volunteer with the Dallas Mayor’s “Back To School Event”, she became even more passionate about doing positive things in her own community. Fast forward to 2021 and Rose Braziel has impacted her community in so many ways. Her love of kids and families has provided clothing, school supplies, food and fun for 100’s of families in the Tarrant County area. Year after year she has worked tirelessly to put together a solid group of Sponsors and Volunteers that have teamed up to provide as many services to the less fortunate in our community as they can. Rose’s commitment to using her resources and working with what she has, has served her community well, for years now

Her last event drew Sponsors like

  • Target
  • Half Price Books
  • KJ Kutz Hair Cuts
  • Walmart
  • Chik Fila
  • Garabedian Properties
  • Kalim Party Faces
  • Barbara Cares
  • Necole Daughtry-Duo-rental
  • Deanna Ross – Cleaning Service
  • Brian Smith – Home Organizer
  • Roderick Chambers- Massage Therapist
  • Demone Jones And William Daughter- Free Basic Hair Cuts
  • State Barber School- Free Basic Hair Cuts
  • Jarletha McDonald – Child Care
  • Curtis Raby- Fire Department
  • Lamont Lovelace- HIV testing
  • Nike Store – School supplies
  • Hope4kids- Kids Obstacle Course
  • YMCA
  • Artist Amy Daniels- with Audacious Journey

The Goal is to help as many families as possible. Her dedication to that is unmatched in Tarrant County. I have only known Rose Braziel for a few months but I quickly realized what a Powerhouse she was. In a tiny frame but has a huge desire to make every moment count. I found out that not only is she a hard working, extremely intelligent woman, she is also a kindred spirit. We have similar values, ideals and work ethics. As I watch her plan and host events, I have seen a person that has no “QUIT” in her. No matter how tired or how many people don’t make it to volunteer or how long the day is, Rose muscles through and never shows signs of frustration or anxiety over things that happen. She just pivots and keeps working and making things happen. With the help of her amazing son Brian, who is also a workhorse and a dedicated person, she fulfills her goal of doing everything possible to help others, no matter the efforts required to get it done.

Her charity is her life and I would say that it is going to keep growing and keep doing amazing things for those in need in our community. I invite you to join Rose in her efforts. You won’t be disappointed at the love you get or the opportunities you have to help others. It has been the joy of my life to meet Rose and to spend time with her watching how much she loves her community.